Top Tips For Glass Pool Fence Installation
If you have or are planning on getting a swimming pool, then you need a pool fence. Australian law requires all pools to be surrounded by a fence that meets certain size and quality specifications, otherwise you could be liable for large fines from your local council.
As you can imagine, the fact that pool fencing is a legal requirements means that you have to be particularly careful when putting your fence up to make sure that it’s done right. If you’re not, it might not meet the relevant standards.
Glass pool fencing has fast become one of the most popular fence styles. It is attractive, affordable, and relatively low maintenance. With this in mind, we’ve put together a short list of tips to help you install your new glass pool fence quickly and efficiently:
Buy a DIY kit from a professional supplier:
Many fencing companies offer a range of DIY glass pool fencing kits. These kits usually come complete with the necessary instructions and everything else you will need to put your new fence up. In most cases, they are designed with simplicity in mind, which means that the average person shouldn’t have any trouble building them.